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About Us

At Carson Fit we offer a true Military style Boot Camp. Our trainer currently serves in the Military herself . We trust in this method because it is the method that the US Military uses to ensure that the ones who protect and serve us are in tip top shape. If it is good enough to prepare someone to be in the military it surely can whip you into shape. We have an array of other offerings coming soon. Check back on our website for whats new!

Gwendolyn Carson

Nutrition Specialist


Through her love of food and passion for helping others,Gwedndolyn empowers her clients to achieve their nutrition and lifestyle goals while enjoying every single bite. Her enthusiasm and dedication to the health and nutrition field is evident through her client's success. She has a passion for supporting and motivating people to live healthier lives and is devoted to the overall health and wellbeing of all her clients.

Helen Turner

Master Trainer


Helen co-founded "Carson Fit Boot Camp" in hopes that she could spread the word about wellness, fitness & nutrition to anyone that was willing to "reinvest" in themselves. Helen began her journey in 2004, when she joined the US Airforce. It was then she realized her "calling" in instructing those to reach an optimal level of fitness preparing soldiers as a Tech Seargent after recieving a degree in Fitnes Managemnet through the US Air Force .

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